Advanced search


Moelfre, Anglesey.—At 3.30 on the afternoon of the 13th of November, 1954, the police reported that a message had been received from the R.S.P.C.A. asking if the life-boat would put out to a heifer which had fallen over a cliff into Dulas Bay. No other boat was available, and at 3.45 the life-boat G.W. was launched, tak- ing a small boat with her. There was a rough sea and a strong westerly breeze. The life-boat made for the bay in an ebbing tide and found the heifer one mile south-west of Lynas.

The animal was under a cliff in a posi- tion that could not be reached from landward. Three life-boatmen went inshore in the small boat and secured a line to the heifer, which was then made fast alongside the life-boat. The life-boat towed the animal to the near- est suitable landing point and then returned to her station, arriving at 6.30. The owner of the heifer made a donation to the funds of the Institu- tion.—Rewards, £8 135..