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Valentia, Co. Kerry.—At 1.30 on the afternoon of the 6th of December.

1954, the Commissioners of Irish Lights asked if the life-boat would land a sick man from the Inishtearaght Rock lighthouse, as the weather was too bad for the Commissioners' vessel to take him ashore. The Commis- sioners also asked if the life-boat would take relief keepers and food to the Skelligs Rock lighthouse. At two o'clock on the afternoon of the 7th the life-boat A.E.D. put out in a rough sea, with a moderate north-westerly breeze blowing. The weather condi- tions at Inishtearaght were found to be too bad for the man to be lowered into the life-boat, and she returned to her station, arriving at seven o'clock. On the morning of the 8th the weather at the lighthouse was reported to be better, and at eight o'clock the life- boat put out to sea again. She made for the rock in a north-westerly breeze, but the wind suddenly veered to north- east and reached gale force. The life- boat sheltered off Begnis Island and then returned to her station again, arriving at six o'clock in the evening.

On the 9th the weather still prevented the sick man from being taken ashore, but on the 10th it was reported that conditions at Inishtearaght were good.

At 8.5 in the morning the life-boat put out a third time. The sea had be- come moderate, and a moderate north- north-west breeze was blowing. The life-boat took the man ashore and landed him at 1.30. She then took the relief keepers and stores to the Skelligs Rock lighthouse and reached her station again at 7.30 in the eveningRewards, 1st Service, £14 14s.; 2nd Service, £23 45.; 3rd Service, £33 2s..