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New Members of Committee of Management

Major Bertram Bell, Mr. Raymond Cory, Mr. John Russell, and Mr. Nigel Varrington Smyth, O.B.E., have been co-opted members of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Major Bell, who lives in Fota Island (Co. Cork), has been a Justice of the Peace for Wiltshire and is a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron.

Mr. Cory, who lives in Cardiff and is chairman of the Cardiff branch of the Institution, is a director of a firm of ship-owners and ship-brokers.

Mr. Russell, who is a chartered accountant practising in London, served in the R.N.V.R. during the war. He is a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron.

Mr. Warrington Smyth, a solicitor practising in London, also served in the R.N.V.R. during the war, when he was awarded the O.B.E. He is a boat-designer and is senior vice-presi- dent of the Royal Yachting Associa- tion and on the committee of the Royal Cruising Club..