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New Boats for North Sunderland and Exmouth

The new North Sunderland life-boat was named Grace Darling at the life- boat station at Seahouses on the 31st of July. Mr. H. E. B. Daniell, chair- man of the North Sunderland branch, took the chair. Lieut. E. D. Stogdon, R.N.V.R., district inspector of life- boats, described the new boat.

Colonel the Hon. Harold Robson, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment, handed the life-boat over to the branch, Mr. Roderick Mackenzie accepting her on the branch's behalf.

The Archdeacon of Lindisfarne, the Ven. Archdeacon T. P. G. Forman, dedicated the life-boat. The Countess Grey then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Miss Runci- man, chairman of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild, and was seconded by Major Spickernell, vice-chairman of the branch committee. A guard of honour was provided by the Bam- burghshire Local Boy Scouts' Associa- tion and the singing was led by the Fishermen's Choir conducted by Mr.

J. C. Archbold.

The new life-boat, which is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool type boat, has been built from the funds of the Institution.

EXMOUTH The new Exmouth life-boat was named Maria Noble at the life-boat station at Exmouth on the 1st of September. Captain R. R. Harrison, chairman of the branch, took the chair.

Captain G. R. Cousins, R.N., district inspector of life-boats, described the new boat. Sir Arthur Reed, a member of the Committee of Management, handed the boat over to the Exmouth branch, Admiral Sir Arthur Peters, president of the branch, accepting her. The Right Rev. Bishop Willis, assisted by the Rev. R. F. King, the vicar of Littleham-cum-Exmouth, and the Rev. W. Clarke, a Free Church Minister, dedicated the life-boat. Air- Vice Marshal H. V. Satterly then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Ratcliffe, chairman of the Exmouth Urban District Council, and seconded by Mrs. Harrison, presi- dent of the Exmouth Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

The new life-boat, which is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool type boat, has been built out of legacies from Mr. Henry Noble, Mr. Arthur James West, Mrs.

Louisa Andrew and Mr. Ernest Jenkins Williams.

The naming ceremony was combined with another ceremony, that of the presentation of a vellum, by Lady Peters, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of a life-boat station at Exmouth. From the time of the establishment of the station to the presentation of the vellum, Exmouth life-boats had been launched on service 69 times and had rescued 57 lives..