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Endeavour and Easter Morn

Whitby, Yorkshire. — Early on the morning of the 25th of October, 1954, the weather worsened while the fishing fleet were at sea, and conditions at theharbour became dangerous. At 7.45 the life-boatmen assembled to wait for the boats to return, and at 9.20 the No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched, with an ex-coxswain in charge. The sea was rough, a gale was blowing from the north-west, and it was one hour after low water. The life-boat escorted several fishing boats to the harbour, and the regular life- boat coxswain, who had been on board the Prosperity, came in and took over command of the life-boat. She stood by the bar while other fishing boats arrived. The fishing boats Endeavour and Easter Morn did not attempt to enter the harbour, and the life-boat put off and advised them to make for Scarborough. Later the weather im- proved, and the remainder of the fleet arrived. The life-boat escorted them in and reached her station again at 1.30.—Rewards, £15 13s. 6d..