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Cornish Open-Air Service

AN open-air service was held in Newlyn Harbour on the 26th of September, 1954. The Penlee life-boat W. & S.

was tied up in the harbour and it was from the deck of the life-boat that the Hon. Greville Howard, M.P., a member of the Committee of Management, read the lesson.

The service was conducted by the Rev. R. K. R. Coath, Rector of Sennen,who was assisted by the Rev. G. H.

Simpson, Methodist Minister of Newlyn and Mousehole, and Super- intendent J. Stewart of the Ship Institute, Newlyn.

The congregation numbered more than a thousand and included life- boat crews from Penlee, Sennen Cove and St. Ives. It is hoped to hold a similar service this vear..