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Awards for Two Mechanics

MR. HENRY PEGG, motor mechanic of the Dover (Kent) life-boat, and Mr. Wilfred Cook, travelling mechanic of the Institution, were awarded testimonials on parchment by the Royal Humane Society for rescuing a man who had fallen into the sea at Dover on the 30th of May, 1954.

Mr. Pegg heard a cry for help early that morning and saw a man in the sea who had fallen off the jetty. He rushed out of his house with two old ship's life jackets. Mr. Cook followed close behind, and between them they brought the man ashore.

Mr. Cook has had twenty-three years service with the Institution and was himself motor mechanic at Dover from 1930 to 1946, during part of which time Mr. Pegg was his assistant.

Mr. Pegg has had eighteen years service as motor mechanic and assistant motor mechanic at Dover and Sheringham (Norfolk)..