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Barrow, Lancashire.—At 9.30 on the morning of the 22nd of July, 1954, the Walney Island coastguard telephonedthat a fishing vessel was reported to have been at anchor five miles north- by-east of Selker buoy since the prev- ious afternoon and to be showing the "not under command" signal. The Bootle coastguard kept watch on her, and at 11.20 the life-boat Herbert Leigh was launched. The sea was moderate, a moderate west-north-west breeze was blowing, and it was half an hour after low water. The life-boat found the fishing boat Tranquillity, of Peter- head, which had a crew of three, broken down. She towed her to Fleetwood and reached her station again at 12.30 early on the 23rd.— Rewards, £26 14s..