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Tranquillity (1)

Barrow, Lancashire.—During the after- noon of the 8th of September, 1954, the Walney Island coastguard noticed a fishing boat near Half-Way buoy and saw later that she had anchored a mile south of it. At five o'clock the coast- guard asked the local pilots to speak her when they put out in the pilot boat. This the pilots did and found that the fishing boat was the Tran- quillity, of Peterhead, with a crew of three, and that her engine had broken down. The pilots wirelessed the life- boat station, and at 6.13 the life-boat Herbert Leigh was launched, with an ex-motor mechanic in charge, in a moderate sea with a moderate south- westerly breeze blowing. She made for the position in a flood tide, towed the Tranquillity to Fleetwood, and reached her station again at 10.35.—Rewards, £11 Us. 6d..