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The S.S. Windward Islands

Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire.—At 10.30 on the morning of the 10th of July, 1954, a shipping agency at Preston telephoned to ask if the life-boat would start out to the S.S. Windward Islands, of Gothenburg, which was due off the Nelson Buoy at three o'clock in the afternoon, and land a member of her crew who had acute appendicitis. At 1.40 the life-boat Sarah Townsend Porritt put out in a moderate sea. A moderate westerly breeze was blowing, and it was low water. The life-boat took out a doctor, a shipping agent and customs officers and came up with the steamer at 3.30. She took the sick man on board and landed him at 5.30 at Lytham. where an ambulance was waiting. The man's life was saved.— Rewards, £10..