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New Brighton, Cheshire.- At 10.15 on the night of the 27th of July, 1954, the Superintendent of Wallasey Ferries reported that a large pontoon beneath the New Brighton landing stage had severed its securing bolts and was adrift. It was a danger to navigation, so at eleven o'clock the life-boat Norman E. Corlett put out. The sea was rough, a moderate west-north- west gale was blowing, and it was one hour after high water. The life-boat searched with the help of her search- light and was joined by a salvage vessel.

The pontoon was found near C.18 red buoy. The salvage vessel put a man on the pontoon, but the weather was so bad that he could not make a rope fast to it. The pontoon eventually drifted out of the fairway, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 1.10 early on the 28th. The pontoon went ashore at Crosby.—Rewards, £7 8s..