New Ways of Raising Money
FOR some years yacht clubs and golf clubs have been holding competitions, for which all the entry money has been donated to the Institution. The prizes for yacht races have been pennants, and for golf competitions spoons. The Institution is now trying to extend this comparatively painless way of raising money to other sporting fields, and for this purpose will donate a most attrac- tive silver pencil as a first prize for any type of sporting competition for which the entry money, to be given to the Institution, can be guaranteed to exceed 25s.
* * * The Silsden (Yorkshire) European Society, which looked after the welfare of some 600 European volunteer work- ers, has recently closed down, as the volunteer workers have found employ- ment in different parts of the Common- wealth. When the Society closed there was a balance in the bank of £3 14s. Id.
and the Society donated this sum to the Institution as an international charity.
* * * Mrs. Ellen Goodeve, a 96-year-old lady of Seaton (Devon), gave some garments which she had recently made herself to the Institution for a sale of work. They were sold at a bring and buy sale held at Bexleyheath (Kent).
* * * Mr. B. G. Sweet, of Cockfosters (Hertfordshire), has built a model of the Cromer No. 1 life-boat, Henry Blogg, on the scale of one inch to one foot. The model is driven by a six-volt electric motor, powered by accumula- tors, and can be started, steered, stop- ped and reversed by radio control from the side of a pond. He has offered the use of his model for demonstrations in support of flag days in London and the Home Counties.
* * * Mr. Davies, the general manager of Messrs. C. H. Bailey, Ltd., of Cardiff, Newport and Barry, has organised a bow tie club. Any ship's superinten- dent or master who visits the office on a Saturday morning without wearing a bow tie is expected to contribute Is., which is passed to the Barry Dock branch of the Institution. In this way more than £22 have already been raised.
* * * Mrs. Sanderson has been selling per- mits to anglers to fish in the stream running through her farm on the main- land opposite Holy Island for 2,9. 6d. a day, the proceeds being given to the Institution.
* * * Mrs. Hamley Rowan, honorary secre- tary of the East Sheen and Barnes branch has raised £15 13*. for the Institution, in three months bv collect- ing ship halfpennies in boxes specially designed for this purpose.
* * * Mr. Edgar Newgass, the former honorary secretary of the Steyning (Sussex) branch, has published a book of poems, a number of which are on the subject of life-boats. He is donat- ing the profits on all copies sold through the Institution to the Institu- tion's funds. Copies are sold at 5*.
* * * A large cheque was recently received from a supporter of the Institution in Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana..