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Naming Ceremonies

H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT, Presi- dent of the Institution, named two new life-boats in 1954. These life- boats, The Duchess of Kent and Edian Courtauld, are now on service at Fraserburgh and at Walton and Frinton.

Ten new life-boats were named in 1954. Eight of them are in England, at Coverack, Exmouth, Filey, Humber, North Sunderland, Padstow, Rams- gate, and Walton and Frinton; one is in Scotland, at Fraserburgh; and one in the Channel Islands, at St. Peter Port. An account of the naming ceremonies at North Sunderland and Exmouth will appear in the next number of The Life-boat.

FRASERBURGH The new Fraserburgh life-boat The Duchess of Kent was named at the Harbour at Fraserburgh on the 7th of July. Lord Saltoun, Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council and President of the Fraserburgh branch, was in the chair. Commodore the Earl Howe, deputy chairman of the Institution, handed the life-boat over to the branch, Provost Harold J.

Milne accepting her on the branch's behalf. Commander T. G. Michel- more, chief inspector of life-boats, described the life-boat. The Rev.

Robert Clarkson, Minister of West Parish Church, Fraserburgh, dedicated the boat. H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County, the Marquis of Aberdeen and Temair. A bouquet was presented to Her Royal Highness by Miss Margaret Ritchie, daughter of the late Andrew Ritchie, coxswain of the John and Charles Kennedy which capsized on the 9th of February, 1953.

The naming ceremony was televised and the B.B.C. broadcast extracts from the President's speech when she named the boat. Recalling the facts that the sole survivor of the tragedy, Second Coxswain Tait, at once offered his services again and that a new crew was formed within twelve days of the disaster, the President said: "It is typical of the spirit of Fraserburgh that these men came forward with such ready courage in order that the life-boat service, essential on this hazardous coast, should be maintained.

I am sure that all of you must feel very proud of these men, and of the fine record of rescue work undertaken by their predecessors in the old life- boat in which they served so well. I am confident that this new vessel will carry out her duties with the same distinction, and I am very touched to think that you have chosen to call her after me." The new life-boat, which is a 46-feet 9-inches Watson cabin type boat, has been built out of the Institution's funds.

ST. PETER PORT The new St. Peter Port life-boat was na-ned Euphrosyne Kcndal at the Victoria Pier, Old Harbour, Guernsey, on the 17th of July. Mr. H. E.

Marquand, chairman of the Guernsey branch, took the chair. Captain G.

R. Cousins, R.N., district inspector of life-boats, described the new boat.

Lord Saltoun, a vice-president of the Institution and a member of the Com- mittee of Management, handed the life-boat over to the branch, and Air Marshal Sir Thomas Elmhirst, Gover- nor of Guernsey, accepted her on the branch's behalf. The Very Rev. E. L.

Frossard, Dean of Guernsey, dedicated the life-boat, the Rev. A. H. Pringle, president of the Guernsey Free Church Ministers' Council, reading the lesson.

Lady Elmhirst then named the boat.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Sir Ambrose Sherwill, Bailiff of Guernsey.

The new life-boat, which is a 52-feet Barnett type boat, was built out of a legacy from the late Mrs. Euphro- syne Kendal of Shepperton, Middlesex.

WALTON AND FRINTON The new Walton and Frinton life- boat was named Edian Courtauld at the Albion Breakwater, Walton-on- the-Naze on the 20th of July. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Sir Albert Stern, presi- dent of the Walton and Frinton branch, took the chair. Commander S. W. F.

Bennetts, deputy chief inspector of life-boats, described the new boat.

Mr. Augustine Courtauld, a member of the Committee of Management and the donor of the boat, presented her to the Institution. Captain the Lord Ailwyn, R.N., a vice-president of the Institution and a member of the Committee of Management, handed her over to the Walton and Frinton branch, Mr. J. Woodrufl'e Eagle, chairman of the branch, accepting her.

The Rev. C. H. Owen, vicar of Walton, assisted by the Rev. F. Geoffrey Jellvman, president of the Walton and Frinton Free Church Council, dedicated the life-boat. H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Coun- cillor A. C. South, chairman of the Frinton and Walton Urban District Council, and seconded by Captain W.

J. Oxley, honorary secretary of the branch. A guard of honour was provided by the Frinton and Walton Red Cross Society. The new life-boat is a 46-feet 9-inches Watson cabin type boat.

FILEY The new Filey life-boat was named I fa and Penryn M.ilsted at the life-boat station at Filey on the 21st of July.

The Rev. P. V. Corner, chairman of the branch, took the chair. Lieut.- Commander H. H. Harvey, district inspector of life-boats, described the new boat. Mr. R. S. Robinson pre- sented the life-boat to the Institution on behalf of the trustees of the late Mr. Milsted. Commodore the Earl Howe, deputy chairman of the Institu- tion, handed her over to the branch.

Mr. J. R. Wiseman, honorary secretary of the branch, accepting her. The Lord Archbishop of York, the Right Hon. and Most Rev. C. F. Garbett, dedicated the life-boat. The Countess Howe then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Colonel L.

Hallam, chairman of the Filey Urban District Council, and seconded by Mr.

A. Lawton, station officer, H.M.

Coastguard, and a member of the branch committee.

The new life-boat, which is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool type boat, has been built out of a legacy of the late Mr.

A. P. Milsted of London.

HUMBER The new Humber life-boat was named City of Bradford III on the River Ouse at York, on the 24th of July. The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Alderman H. J. White, took the chair.

Lieut-Commander H. H. Harvey, district inspector of life-boats, des- cribed the new boat. Sir Arthur Croft presented the life-boat to the Institution on behalf of the Bradford and District branch. Captain the Hon.

V. M. Wyndham-Quin, R.N., a mem- ber of the Committee of Management, accepting her. The Lord Archbishop of York, the Right Hon. and Most Rev.

C. F. Garbett, dedicated the life-boat.

Lady Croft then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Alderman H. Hird, chairman of the Bradford branch.

The new life-boat, which is a 46-feet 9-inches Watson cabin type boat, is the seventh to bear the name "Brad- ford. " A fund to meet the cost of this life-boat is being raised in Bradford.

PADSTOW The new Padstow life-boat was named Joseph Hiram Chadwick at the North Quay, Padstow, on the 28th of July. Mr. N. W. R. Reynolds, presi- dent of the branch, took the chair.

Captain G. R. Cousins, R.X., district inspector of life-boats, described the new boat. Captain Guy D. Fanshawe, R.X., a vice-president of the Institu- tion and a member of the Committee of Management, handed the life-boat over to the Padstow branch. Mr. R. R.

Wilton, honorary secretary of the branch accepting her. The Right Rev. J. Wellington, Assistant Bishop of Truro, assisted by the Rev. P. H.

C. Slocombe, vicar of Padstow. and the Rev. W. E. Wall, Minister of the Methodist Church, dedicated the life- boat. Mrs. J. C. F. Prideaux-Brune then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. C. J. George, chairman of the Padstow Urban District Council, and seconded by Mrs.

R. R. Wilton, honorary secretary of the Padstow Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

The new boat, which is a 52-feet Barnett type boat, has been built out of a legacy from the late Miss Elizabeth Ellen Chadwick of Rochdale, Lanca- shire.

COVERACK The new Coverack life-boat was named William Taylor of Oldham at the Pier at Coverack, on the 10th of September. Mr. S. D. Roddick, chairman of the branch, took the chair.

Captain G. R. Cousins, R.X., district inspector of life-boats, described the new boat. The Hon. Greville Howard, M.P., a member of the Committee of Management, handed the life-boat over to the branch, Mr. S. A. Roskillv.

honorary secretary of the branch, accepting her. The Right Rev. J.

Wellington, assistant Bishop of Truro, assisted by the Rev. E. J. Saunders, vicar of St. Keverne. and the Rev.

H. Garner, Methodist Minister, St.

Keverne Parish, dedicated the life- boat. The Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard then named her. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. M. P. Williams, president of the branch, and seconded by Mr. J. V. Geach, chairman of the Kerrier Rural District Council.

The new liferboat, which is a 42-feet Watson type boat, is the first of its kind, and was described in the Septem- ber Number of the Life-boat. She has been built out of a legacy of the late Miss Clara Selina Taylor of Oldham.

Notice All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch, or guild, or to Colonel A. D. Burnett liroivn, O.B.K., M.C.. T.I)., M.A., the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London. SJJ'.l.

All enquiries about the u'ork of the Institution or about this journal should be addressed to the Secretary.

The next number of THE LIFE-BOAT Kill be published in MARCH, 1955..