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Flower of Fleet

Weymouth, Dorset.—At 8.55 on the evening of the 19th of September, 1954, the Wyke Regis coastguard telephoned that red flares had been seen one mile west of Portland Bill. At 9.20 the life-boat William and Clara Ryland put out. The sea was very rough and a gale was blowing from the south-west. The life-boat made for the position in aflood tide and came up with the trawler Naomi, of Brixham. Her skipper stated that she had been towing the trawler Flower of Fleet, of Brixham, which had broken down, with a man and woman on board, but that the Flower of Fleet had broken adrift off Portland. The life-boat did not suc- ceed in finding the Flower of Fleet and returned to her station, arriving at four o'clock on the morning of the 20th.

At 7.23 the coastguard reported that a boat could be seen one and a quarter miles east of Grove Point, and at 7.44 the life-boat put to sea again. The wind had veered to the south-south- west, moderating slightly, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat came up with the Flower of Fleet in tow of a naval tug, took her over and towed her to Weymouth, arriving at 9.20.— Rewards: 1st service, £12 15s. 6d.; 2nd service, £5 18s..