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Endeavour and Amelia

Eyemouth, Berwickshire.—At 4.15 on the afternoon of the 19th of August, 1954, the life-boat coxswain reported that the fishing boat Endeavour, lying off Eyemouth, had wirelessed the fishing boat Amelia, which was in the harbour, asking if she would put out and guide her in. The Amelia put to sea, but both boats got into difficulties. At 4.30 the life-boat Clara and Emily Bar-well was launched in a very rough sea and a flood tide. A moderate northerly gale was blowing. The life- boat went alongside the Endeavour and a life-boatman boarded her and gave the skipper advice about entering the harbour. The life-boat then escorted in both boats and reached her station again at 5.10.—Rewards, £9 14s..