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Poole, Dorset.—At four o'clock on the afternoon of the 7th of August. 1954, a report was received that three boys in a cabin cruiser in Poole harbour were waving a white sheet. At 4.5 the life-boat Thomas Kirk Wright was launched. The sea was rough, a south-westerly gale was blowing, and the tide was half ebb. The life-boat found the 6-ton cabin cruiser Elsie, of Wareham, broken down and at anchor.

Three boy scouts and the owner were on board. As the life-boat could not come alongside because of the con- ditions, the second coxswain jumped aboard. With difficulty he heaved up the anchor, and the life-boat towed the Elsie to Wareham, reaching her station again at 7.30.—Rewards, £9 8s..