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A Naval Cutter

Falmouth, Cornwall.—At 6.53 on the evening of the 4th of July, 1954, the St. Anthony coastguard telephoned that a naval cutter appeared to be in difficulties six miles south-east of St.

Anthony light-house. At 7.17 the life-boat Crawford and Constance Cony- beare put to sea. The sea was rough, a strong breeze was blowing from the the north-west, and it was hours after low water. The life-boat found that the cutter, which had a crew of five from the Royal Naval Air Station at Culdrose, had been taking part in a race from Newlyn to Helford Passage but had been blown off her course.

The life-boat rescued them and towed the cutter to Falmouth, arriving at 9.45.—Rewards, £5 14*..