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The Irish Corvette Maev

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.—At 8.30 on the evening of the 14th of May, 1954, the Irish corvette Maev entered Rosslare Ray and signalled that she needed a boat to land a sick man, as her motor cutter was out of com- mission. The sea was moderate, with a moderate breeze blowing from the north-east, when the life-boat Douglas Hyde put to sea at 9.15. She went alongside the Maev, and at the request of her commanding officer took him ashore to consult the Port Medical Officer. The life-boat then took the doctor to the corvette. He treated the sick man, decided that he could remain aboard until the Maev reached Cork, and then re-embarked in the life-boat, which returned to her station, arriving at 10.50.—Rewards, £2 Is..