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Racing Dinghies

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At eight o'clock on the evening of the 5th of May, 1954, the life-boat bowman was on the New Brighton landing-stage when a sailing dinghy taking part in a race capsized. He arranged for the life-boat to be launched immediately.

At 8.7 the Norman B. Corlett put to sea, and a rowing boat also put off, manned by two youths. The sea was rough, and a squally wind was blowing from the westward. Two other dinghies capsized near Rip-Rap Buoy, but the youths in the rowing boat picked up the crews and their dinghies.

The man in the first dinghy was rescued by a sand pump dredger, which with the help of the life-boat also picked up two other dinghies, which had lowered their sails. The life-boat noticed that the youths in the rowing boat and the dinghymen they had saved were in difficulties and took them all on board. She landed them and the dinghies at the stage. She then put out again, took the two other men off the dredger, and landed them and their dinghies. She reached her station again at 9.30.—Rewards, £5 7s..