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New Ways of Raising Money

A COLLECTION in aid of the Institution was made at the Silverstone Inter- national Trophy meeting on the 15th of May by kind permission of the Daily Express and the British Racing Drivers' Club. A total of £131 7s. 4d.

was received.

* * * A new and most attractive toy life- boat can now be supplied to branches at Is. 6d. each for sale to the public at 2*. each. These boats can be supplied from headquarters only in dozens, but they can be bought individually from branches.

* * * Messrs. Micromodels, Ltd., of London, are producing a booklet of instructions on how to make a model life-boat. The instructions have been prepared by Mr. L. F. Gilding, a former member of the staff. These booklets will be supplied to branches at 2s. each for sale to the public at 2s. 6d.

* * * The Countess of Glasgow raised £55 for the. Institution by the sale of daffodils and other flowers in Largs railway station.

* * * Mr. R. G. Coles, of Coventry, made a decorated cake, weighing 15 Ibs., in the shape of the St. Helier life-boat.

It was shown at the time of the Coventry flag day on a stall where the takings were £23, and was later raffled at a private dance, whereby a further sum of £9 16s. was made.

* * * A Malayan curry stall was a feature of a bring-and-buy sale organised by Mrs. Colvile, Mrs. Lias and Mrs.

Nightingale at Sandgate.The Carshalton branch, whose honorary secretary is Mr. E. Heron, has started collecting jam jars, silver paper and milk bottle tops, from which the Institution has received more than £5 in the past two months.

* * * A suggestion has been made by Mrs. K. Neale, of Llanfechain, that regular subscribers to the Institution should be able to buy a special pennant for flying on their own yachts. If enough support for this scheme is forthcoming, the Institution will con- sider supplying such a pennant.

* * * An anonymous contributor recently sent the Institution the money which he has saved by giving up smoking.

* * * A contribution has been received from the private cash of one of the inmates of Her Majesty's prison at Stafford..