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Plymouth, Devon.—At 5.58 on the morning of the 14th of May, 1954, the life-boat Hearts of Oak, on temporary duty at the station, was launched to stand by the many small boats which had put off to welcome the return of H.M. the Queen from the Common- wealth tour in H.M.Y. Britannia.

The Royal Yacht passed Plymouth about seven o'clock, and the boats made for home. One of them, the Apollo, of Plymouth, a converted whaler fitted with an engine, with a crew of eight, broke down three miles south of Mewstone. The sea was moderate, with a moderate breeze blowing from the north-east. The life-boat towed the Apollo to Millbay docks, reaching her station again at 11.5. The crew expressed their thanks and a donation to the funds of the Institution was received.—Rewards, £10 17s..