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Alethea and the Southern Cross

Howth, Co. Dublin.—During a vacht race on the evening of the 26th of May, 1954, the 5-ton yacht Alethea was dismasted off Portmarnock Strand about two miles from Howth. The yacht Ann Gail wirelessed a distress call for her to Portpatrick Radio Station. This was intercepted by the Valentia Radio Station and passed to the life-boat station. At 7.50 the Alethea burnt a flare, and at eight o'clock the life-boat R. P. L. was launched. The sea was rough, and a fresh breeze was blowing from the south. The life-boat made for the position, and the Ann Gail told her that another yacht, the Southern Cross, was also in difficulties. How- ever, the Southern Cross was found to be making headway slowly. The Alethea was in a dangerous position on a lee shore, so the life-boat rescued her crew of four and towed her to Howth.

She also towed in the Southern Cross, reaching her station again at 9.30.— Rewards, £4 18s..