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Whitby Lass and Foxglove

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 11.16 on the morning of the 15th of January, 1954,the coastguard telephoned that a fish- ing boat appeared to be in difficulties one mile north-west of the harbour.

At 11.25 the No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepivorth was launched, with an ex- coxswain in charge. The sea was rough, with a strong west-south-west breeze blowing. The life-boat came up with the Whitby Lass two miles to the north-west, escorted her to the harbour, and then stood by until other boats had entered harbour. She then put to sea again, escorted in the Foxglove, and reached her station again at 1.45. The fishing boat first reported in difficulty reached the shore without help.—Rewards, £8 15s. Qd..