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The S.S. Kentbrook

Aldeburgh Suffolk.—At 8.20 on the evening of the 4th of February, 1954, the coastguard telephoned that a vessel had gone ashore two miles north of Orfordness. At 8.40 the No.

1 life-boat Abdy Beauclerk was launched. There was a heavy sea, with a strong north-easterly breeze blowing. The life-boat found the S.S. Kentbrook, of London, with a crew of fourteen, lying in breakers a hundred yards off shore and bumping heavily. The life-boat and another vessel stood by in bitterly cold weather, but the life-boat could not close the steamer because of shallow water.

The coastguard took off one man bvrocket life-saving apparatus, and later ten men walked ashore. At daybreak on the 5th the steamer was seen to be high and dry, and, as the skipper stated that no attempt would be made to refloat her, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 8.45.— Rewards, £68 9s. 6d..