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The Foresters and the Life-Boat Institution

THAT great friendly society, the Ancient Order of Foresters, has for a long time been one of the most gener- ous supporters of the Institution.

Foresters' orders are of great anti- quity and their origin cannot now be traced, but the Ancient Order of Foresters, as it is today constituted, was established in 1834, ten years after the founding of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. Its reconstitu- tion took place after a meeting at Rochdale in August, 1934, and some forty years ago the membership of the Order had grown to more than 1,370,000.

In the past ninety years seven life- boats have been given by this friendly society to the Institution.

The first life-boat named Forester was stationed at New Quay, Cardigan- shire, in 1864. Eight years later the name of Forester was transferred to the Tynemouth life-boat. This life- boat remained in commission until 1900. The Tynemouth station was closed for a time in 1905 and a new life-boat which was sent to Flam- borough was given the name Forester.

This was one of the best known of the boats given by the Order. She was launched on service 78 times and rescued 71 lives before being replaced in 1934.

The second life-boat which was pre- sented by the Order was named Forester ' Pride. She -was on service at West Hartkpoo] from 1869 to 1887, when she was replaced by another boat of the same name. This boat was withdrawn in 1906. The third life- boat given by the Foresters j|as the Broughty Ferry life-boat Samuei Shaw- cross, which served from 1888 to 1910.

Two other life-boats which were gifts of the Order are still in service today. One is the Sheringham life- boat, Foresters' Centenary, which was given to commemorate the centenary of the Order in 1934. She was sent to her station in 1936 and has already been out on service 101 times and has rescued 52 lives. The other is the Flamborough life-boat, Friendly Forester, which went to her station last year. Up to now she has been launched on service four times and has rescued three lives.

Although only five different names have been given to the boats presented by the Order, the actual number of the boats, including two replacements, but omitting the transference of the name Forester, has been seven.

Through their services 180 lives have been saved..