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Stores Supplied Free of Charge

THE Institution wishes to express its thanks to the following firms who, in the past year, have supplied certain stores for life-boats without charge: Biscuit manufacturers: Huntley and Palmers, Ltd., Read- ing.

W. and R. Jacobs & Co., Dublin.

McVitie and Price, Ltd., Harlesden.

Peak Frean & Co., Ltd., Bermond- sey.

Chocolate manufacturers: Cadbury Bros., Ltd., Birmingham.

J. S. Fry & Sons, Ltd,. Bristol.

Fry-Cadbury Ltd., Dublin.

Rowntree & Co., York.

Packing firm: Packers Supply Co., Ltd., New Maiden.

Oil firm: Irish Oil and Cake Mills, Ltd., Drogheda.

Steel firm: W. T. Flather, Ltd., Sheffield..