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Penlee Anniversary

THE 150th anniversary of the founding of the Penzance and Penlee station was celebrated by a dinner held at the Queen's Hotel, Penzance on the 12th of March, 1954. The vellum com- memorating the 150 years service of the station was presented by Lady Tedder to Coxswain Edward Madron.

Speakers at the dinner were Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Tedder, G.C.B., Commander Greville Howard, M.P., a member of the Committee of Management, Mr. A. R. Dickinson, Organising Secretary for the South- West District of England, Mr. A. O.

Kernick, honorary treasurer of the Penzance and Penlee branch, Mrs.

George Carter, Chairman of the Pen- zance and Penlee Ladies' Guild, and Mr. John Bazeley. The chairman of the branch, Mr. Barrie Bennetts, M.B.E., took the chair.

The life-boat was launched with Lord and Lady Tedder and Mrs.

Howard on board during the afternoon.

The B.B.C. broadcast a description of the launch on the 19th of March, together with extracts from the speech made by Coxswain Madron when he received the vellum. Coxswain Madron also took part in a television programme later.

The station was established in Penzance in 1803. Since then life- boats from the station have been launched on service 198 times and have rescued 396 lives..