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New Members of the Committee of Management

Brigadier J. W. G. Gow, O.B.E., D.L.; Commander the Hon. Greville Howard, M.P.; Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Murray Longmore, G.C.B. and Com- mander, F. R. H. Swann, R.N.V.R.

(Retd.) have accepted co-option to the Committee of Management of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Brigadier Gow was honorary secre- tary of the Glasgow branch of the In- stitution from 1929 to 1936. Since 1937 he has been chairman of the branch.

His father, Dr. Leonard Gow, was also chairman of the Glasgow branch and a vice-president of the Institution.

Commander Howard, a former Mayor of Westminster, has been M.P.

for St. Ives, Cornwall, since 1950.

Sir Arthur Longmore was formerly Inspector-General of the Royal Air Force; A.O.C.-in-C., R.A.F. Middle East, from 1940 to 1941; and before that A.O.C.-in-C., Training Command.

He lives in Wentworth, Surrey.

Commander Swann, who lives in Kensington, is a member of the Com- mittee of the Royal Cruising Club and of the Council of the Cruising Associa- tion. During the last war he com- manded an aircraft carrier..