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New District Organising Secretary

MRS. R. H. ROBINSON, M.B.E., who on retiring from the W.R.A.C. in the rank of Major, was appointed Assistant Organising Secretary for the South- East district, has been appointed District Organising Secretary for that district in succession to Commander (S) J. A. Storer Carson. R.N.V.R., who has left the Institution to take up another appointment.

Both in the Army and civilian life, Mrs. Robinson had considerable ex- perience in public relations work and the organisation of adult education and is a member of the Institute of Sociology.

Notice All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, or to Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., M.A., the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution. 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I.

All enquiries about the ivork of the Institution or about this journal should be addressed to the Secretary.

The next number of THE LIFE-BOAT will be published in SEPTEMBER, 1954..