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Muirneag II and Bounteous

Stornoway, Outer Hebrides.—At 9.20 on the night of the 29th of March, 1954, the coastguard telephoned that red flares had been seen in Broad Bay.

At 9.45 the life-boat William and Harriot put out. The sea was rough with a strong breeze blowing from the south-east. The life-boat found the fishing boat Muirneag II, of Storno- way, near Tiumpan Head, being towed by the fishing boat Bounteous Sea. The Muirneag II, which had a crew of nine, had broken down. The life-boat escorted both boats to Storno- way and reached her station again at 1.50 early on the 30th.—Rewards, £12 5*..