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Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—At 6.50 on the evening of the 19th of January, 1954, the Portpatrick radio station telephoned a local doctor that the motor vessel Laidaure, of Stockholm, a vessel of 6,000 tons, was making for Campbeltown with an injured man on board, and had wirelessed for a doctor to attend to him. It was realised in Campbeltown that the ship was prob- ably too large to enter the loch, so at 8.30 the life-boat City of Glasgow II put to sea, with the doctor on board.

The sea was choppy, and a fresh breeze was blowing from the west-north- west. The doctor boarded the Lai- daure and treated the man for loss of blood. The injured man was then transferred to the life-boat, which landed him at Campbeltown at two o'clock.—Rewards, £5..