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Will Everard

Skegness, Lincolnshire.—At 5.51 on the morning of the 27th of October, 1953, the coastguard telephoned that a Trinity House vessel had reported that she had seen red flares south-west of North Race Buoy. At 6.13 he reported another flare south-west of North-East Docking Buoy. Seven- teen minutes later he gave the position as east-by-south of Skegness pier, and at 7.10 the life-boat Anne Allen was launched. There was a rough sea and a strong south-easterly wind. At nine o'clock the S.S. Arthur Wright wirelessed that she had found the motor barge Will Everard, of London, at anchor at the north end of Burnham Flats. Her steering gear had broken down, and the steamer took her intow. The life-boat stood by for over an hour, but the Arthur Wright towed the barge to Great Yarmouth, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at two o'clock.—Rewards, £21 15*..