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The S.S. Nestos

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 9.31 on the morning of the 21st of October, 1953, the Spurn Point coastguard telephoned that the S.S. Nestos, of Piraeus, which was anchored in the River Humber, had wirelessed that three of her crew were adrift in a dinghy which was being carried by the tide to the mouth of the river. At 9.48 the life-boat City of Bradford II was launched. There was a slight sea and a light southerly breeze, and it was foggy. The life- boat found both the dinghy and another boat, with a crew of nine, which had put off from the Nestos to search, secured to the Middle Light float. Neither boat could make any headway against the tide, so the life- boat towed them back to their shipand reached her station again at 1.15.

—Paid Permanent Crew..