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Royal Exchange

Aith, Shetlands. — At 11.25 on the night of the 24th of October, 1953, a crofter telephoned the coxswain that a fishing boat was making distress signals at The Rona, off Aith Voe.

Five minutes after midnight the life- boat The Rankin put to sea. The sea was very rough, with a full southerly gale blowing. The life-boat found the fishing boat Royal Exchange, of Lerwick, with a crew of three. Her engines had broken down. The fish- ing boat was only fifty yards from the shore and was in danger of being driven on to it. The life-boatmen passed a rope to her, and the life-boat towed her to a safe anchorage, reach- ing her station again at 1.40.—Re- wards, £8 3s..