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Portrait on the Cover

THE portrait on the cover is of Richard Walsh, the coxswain of the Rosslare Harbour life-boat. Richard Walsh has been coxswain since December 1946.

From August 1941 to December 1946 he was second coxswain, and before that, bowman.

The photograph is by the Sunday Press (Dublin) by whose kind per- mission it is reproduced.

Notice All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, or to Colonel A. D. Burnett Broicn, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., M.A., the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42 Grosvenor Gardens.

London, S.W.I.

All enquiries about the work of the Institution or about this journal should be addressed to the Secretary. Letters intended for publication should be addressed to the Editor of THE LIFE-BOAT.

The next number of THE LIFE-BOAT will be published in JUNE, 1954..