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Valentia, Co. Kerry.—At 7.45 on the evening of the 14th of November, 1953, a message was received from the Skelligs Rock lighthouse asking if the life-boat would land a sick keeper.

The tender of the Commissioners of Irish Lights could not leave Castle- town because of the bad weather. At 10.15 on the morning of the 15th the life-boat A.E.D. put to sea with a relief keeper on board, taking her boarding boat with her. The sea was very rough with a fresh south-westerly gale blowing. The life-boat landed the relief keeper on the rock. After several attempts the sick man was taken into the boarding boat and transferred to the life-boat, which reached Valentia again at three in the afternoon.—Rewards, £14 14s. Re- funded to the Institution by the Com- missioners of Irish Lights..