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Belarita and Mionne

St. Peter Port, Guernsey.—At 6.35 oil the evening of the 26th of December, 1953, a man at Jethou reported that the local fishing boat Belarita, which had engine trouble, had left for St.

Sampson's in tow of the motor boat Mionne at six o'clock but that the tow rope had parted off Creux Rocks.

The boats had been lost to sight in the bad visibility, so at 7.48 the life-boat Queen Victoria put to sea with the second coxswain in charge. There was a moderate sea, and a fresh wind was blowing from the west. The life-boat found the Mionne off Jethou, took the owner aboard, anchored the boat off Herm Harbour, and landed the owner and his party of two. She then searched for the Belarita, but in the meantime the coxswain had put off with two other men in a shore-boat.

The shore-boat contacted the life-boat, and the coxswain boarded her and took command. The shore-boat then made for St. Peter Port, but she came up with the Belarita south-west of Jethou and towed her in. The life- boat was recalled to her station, which she reached at 10.35.—Rewards, £10 12s..