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A Sailing Cutter

Reserve life-boat.—At 9.30 on the 10th of November, 1953, the reserve life- boat Thomas Markby put out from a shipbuilders' yard at Littlehampton in a swell and light south-south-east breeze. She was to undergo machin-ery trials following a survey. The life-boat district engineer, a motor mechanic and two employees of the shipbuilders formed her crew. When they were two miles south-south-east of Littlehainpton Pier they saw a twenty-six feet sailing cutter drifting.

Three boys who were absent from an approved school were found on board.

They were cold and hungry. One of the crew of the life-boat went on board, and the life-boat towed the cutter to Littlehampton, arriving at 10.30. The boys were handed over to the police, who met the life-boat.—Rewards, £2..