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The S.S. Regency Belle

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 12.14 on the afternoon of the 13th of August, 1953, during fog, the coastguard rang up to say that a vessel was making signals on her siren south-east of Whitby Rock Buoy. At 12.29 the No. 1 life- boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched in a calm sea with a light westerly breeze blowing. She found the S.S.

Regency Belle, of Guernsey, in shallow water. The skipper said he had signalled for a pilot. A pilot was in the life-boat as a member of the crew, and he boarded the steamer. The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 1.20. The steamer's pas- sengers made a collection for the funds of the Institution.—Rewards, £6 9*..