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The S.S. Guildford

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—At 1.20 on the afternoon of the 21st of September, 1953, the coastguard reported that the S.S.

Guildford, of London, which was off Southwold, was making for Gorleston to land a man who had been badly burned. As no other boat was avail- able to take him ashore the life-boatLouise Stephens was launched at 2.30, with a doctor on board. There was a heavy swell and a strong southerly breeze. The life-boat put the doctor aboard the steamer, which by now had reached Yarmouth Roads. He treated the injured man, but decided that there was no need to land him, and the life-boat took the doctor back to her station, arriving at 3.39.—Rewards, £10 12s..