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Ocean Viking and a Barge

Dungeness, Kent.—At 5.28 on the afternoon of the 23rd of August, 1953, the Lade coastguard rang up to say that the local pilot cutter had reported that the fishing boat Ocean Viking, which was towing a derelict barge with nobody on board, was running short of fuel off Newcombe buoy and needed help. At seven o'clock the life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson was launched in a rough sea with a fresh south- south-west breeze blowing. She found the Ocean Viking, with the barge, three miles north-east of the life-boat station. The barge broke adrift from the fishing boat and was then taken in tow by the life-boat, but she broke away again. The life-boat left her, escorted the Ocean Viking to Folkes- tone, and reached her station again at 1.15 early on the 24th.—Rewards, £37 12s..