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Torbay, Devon.—At 1.30 on the after- noon of the 1st of July, 1953, the Brixham coastguard rang up to say that a boy had fallen over a cliff south of Berry Head coastguard look-out post. He had been badly hurt and, at 1.45 the life-boat Hearts of Oak, on temporary duty at the station, put to sea with the second coxswain in command. She took her boarding boat with her and made for the position in a calm sea and light north- easterly breeze. The boy had fallen between sixty and seventy feet. A lady doctor, police, coastguardsmen and ambulance men climbed down to him. They strapped him in a stretcher, and he was then lowered into the boarding boat which transferred him to the life-boat. The life-boat took him to Brixham harbour, arriving at 2.40. An ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital, but when he reached the hospital he died.—Re- wards, £6 15s..