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Morning Breeze

Selsey, Sussex.—At 5.40 on the after- noon of the 9th of July, 1953, the coastguard rang up to say that the Chichester police had reported a yacht in difficulties half a mile off Brackles- ham Bay. At six o'clock the life-boat Canadian Pacific put out in a calm sea with a light north-westerly breeze blowing. She found the four-ton motor yacht Morning Breeze, of Ems- worth, dragging her anchor a hundred yards off shore inside Houndgate Rocks. Her engine had broken down.

Her crew of three were nearly ex- hausted, but they weighed the anchor and made fast a rope from the life- boat. The life-boat then towed the yacht to Chichester harbour, moored her off Hayling Island and reached her station again at 9.45.—Property Salvage Case..