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Family's Pride

Montrose, Angus.—At 6.7 on the even- ing of the 25th of August, 1953, the Usan coastguard passed on a message from a pilot that the Arbroath fishing boat Family's Pride had left Montrose under sail that afternoon, bound for Arbroath with one man on board.

The pilot felt anxious for her safety.

The coastguard could see a boat between two and a half and three miles east-north-east of the coastguard station, and the fishing boat Mizpah put to sea. At 8.30 the life-boat The Good Hope was launched in a choppy sea, with a light westerly breeze blow- ing. The Mizpah found the Family's Pride about two miles east of Gourdon.

She took her in tow and signalled the life-boat. The life-boat took over the tow, towed the Family's Pride to Montrose, and reached her station again at 12.56 on the 26th. The In- stitution sent a letter of thanks to the owner of the Mizpah.—Rewards, £17.