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A Raft

Arklow, Co. Wicklow.—At 5.55 on the evening of the 4th of August, 1953, the Civic Guard reported that three boys were adrift on a raft off Arklow beach, and that a man had swum to them, but had returned to the shore for help. At 6.7 the life-boat Inbhear Mor was launched, with the honorary secretary, Mr. John Tyrrell, in charge.

The sea was calm with a moderate west-south-west breeze blowing. The life-boat found the raft half a mile north of Arklow pier, rescued the boys, who were hysterical, and took them ashore, reaching her station again at 6.35. The honorary secretary then took the boys to hospital. The Ark- low Swimming Club made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Re- wards, £6 12s. 6d..