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Teesmouth, Yorkshire.—During the afternoon of the 15th of March, 1953, the motor fishing boat Vigilant, which had been blown ashore from her moor- ings in a gale, was refloated and towed into the River Tees by two men in a small dinghy fitted with an outboard motor. The men were making for Seaton Snook, but the tide turned when they were only half-way there, and they drifted to the mouth of the river. There the wind caught them and blew them into North Gare. They anchored, but the anchor did not hold and they were in danger of being smashed on the breakwater. The life-boat honorary secretarv saw theirdanger and at once called out the life- boat John and Lucy Cordingley. She was launched at 5.5 in a slight sea with a light south-easterly breeze blowing. She rescued the men, towed the Vigilant to safety, and reached her station again at 6.15.—Rewards, £10 18*..