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The S.S. Libra

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 12.5 on the afternoon of the 15th of June, 1953, during thick fog, the coastguard rang up to say that a vessel had run ashore two hundred yards south of North Cheek in Robin Hood's Bay. At 12.20 the No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepzcoiih was launched for the secondtime that day. She made for the position in a smooth sea with a light north-westerly breeze, and found the S.S. Libra, of Panama. The master asked the life-boat to stand by his ship. Several fishing boats arrived and laid out anchors for her, and then, at the request of the master, the life- boat landed his mate, who had been injured. When she had done so she returned to the vessel and remained with her until the Libra refloated on the tide and made for Hartlepool.

The life-boat reached her station again at 6.5.—Rewards, £12 7s..