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The S.S. Firelight and Riviere

Flamborough, Yorkshire.—At 6.5 on the morning of the 10th of June, 1953, the coxswain heard a message on his wireless set from Cullercoats radio station that the S.S. Firelight had collided with the trawler Riviere. of Grirnsby, about five miles off Flam- borough Head. The life-boatmen assembled, and shortly afterwards the coxswain heard on his wireless that the steamer had picked up three trawlermen, but that ten were missing-.

At 6.45 the life-boat Hoii'ard D. was launched in a moderate sea, northerly breeze and dense fog. She steered a course north-east-by-east and wire- lessed the Firelight to sound her siren as a guide. The life-boat came up with the Firelight about six miles north-east of Flamborough Head, and learnt from the master that the Riviere was a quarter of a mile to the southward. The life-boat searched for the missing men, but found none of them and returned to the steamer.

She took on board the three survivors, so that the Firelight could go on her way, and then resumed the search.

She found only wreckage and a body, and at 4.30 she reached her station, where she landed the three men and the body. Tiie trawler sank with the loss of ten lives.—Rewards, £32 7*. 6d..