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The S.S. Briardene and the S. S. Roine

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—At 2.8 early on the morning of the 20th of March, 1953, the Gorles- ton coastguard rang up to say that the S.S. Briardene, of Sunderland, had collided with the S. S. Roine, of Helsi nki.

near the Newarp lightvessel. At 2.25 the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched. There was a light easterly breeze with a slight sea, and it was foggy. The Roine had sunk with the loss of one man, and the Briardene had taken off the remaining sixteen of her crew. The life-boat took thirteen of the survivors on board and three members of the Briardene's crew, and then accompanied the Briardene to harbour, reaching her station again at one o'clock in the afternoon. The masters of both ships expressed their thanks.—Rewards, £30 12s. Gd..