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The Motor Coaster C.648

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 1.5 early on the morning of the 15th of June, 1953, during fog, the coastguard rang up to say that a vessel had gone ashore off North Cheek, Robin Hood's Bay.

The No. 1 life-boat Man/ Ann Hep- worth was launched at two o'clock.

There was now a light east-south-east breeze, and the sea was smooth. The life-boat found the motor coaster C.648, of London, with a crew of nine.

Fishing boats also put out, and they refloated the coaster while the life-boat stood bv. The fishing boats then towed the €.648 to Whitby. The life-boat remained with her until she was safely berthed and then returned to her station, arriving at six o'clock.

—Rewards, £9 8s..